New Articles

  1. Scheduling an Appointment

    Select appointments from the navigation or from the Dashboard. Click the 'Schedule an Appointment' button from the top right of the screen. A popup should appear. Fill out all of the appropriate fields. After all the fields have been ...
  2. Request an Appointment

    Select appointments from the navigation or from the Dashboard. Click the 'Schedule an Appointment' button from the top right of the screen. A popup should appear. Fill out all of the appropriate fields. After all the fields have...
  3. Release 2.0.1 - November 17, 2019

    Release 2.0.1 - November 17, 2019 Improvements Patients can now have multiple signatures on the intake We now show the most recent payment made by a patient on their account balance. Bug Fixes Appointments that were deleted by the practic...
  4. Not Receiving Google Token

    If your Google (Gmail) account does not receive 2FA Token then follow these steps